Get involved

At Fenix Charity Fund, we believe that everyone can make a difference. If you’re interested in supporting our cause, there are several ways you can get involved. Here’s how:

1. Learn About Our Projects

Stay informed about our latest projects and initiatives by visiting our Projects Page. Here, you’ll find detailed information on our ongoing and past initiatives. By understanding the impact of our work, you can decide how you’d like to contribute.

2. Become a Volunteer

We welcome volunteers who share our passion for helping others. If you’d like to donate your time and skills to our cause, or if you know someone who could benefit from our support, please send an email to As a volunteer, you’ll play an essential role in our events, projects, and operations.

3. Personal Donations

Your financial support helps us fund critical program and projects. You can make a personal donation in two ways. First, you can donate to a specific cause by visiting our Projects Page and choosing the project you’d like to support. Second, you can contribute to the Fenix General Fund by clicking the red “Donate” button at the top of the page. This general fund supports our ongoing projects and urgent needs, allowing us to respond quickly to emerging priorities.

4. Corporate donations

We work with companies and organizations that share our commitment to making a positive impact. If you’re interested in corporate sponsorship or donations, visit our Corporate Sponsorship Page. Learn how your business can support our mission.

5. Spread the Word

Help us raise awareness by sharing our work with your friends, family, and colleagues. Follow us on social media, like our posts, and share our content to expand our reach. You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Every share brings us closer to achieving our goals.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about how to get involved, please contact us at We’re here to help you find the best way to support our cause!