Personal Donations

Your financial support helps us fund critical programs and projects. You can make a personal donation in two ways. First, you can donate to a specific cause by visiting our Projects Page and choosing the project you’d like to support. Second, you can contribute to the Fenix General Fund by clicking the red “Donate” button at the top of the page. This general fund supports our ongoing projects and urgent needs, allowing us to respond quickly to emerging priorities.

Tax Donation

Lithuanian citizens also have the option to allocate 1.2% of their annual income tax to support a charitable organization of their choice, and we are thrilled to announce that Fenix Charity Fund is now listed as an option.
At Fenix Charity Fund, we are dedicated to making a positive difference in the world. Despite being a young fund, we have already successfully closed several projects, including initiatives in Lithuania.

To submit your income tax declaration and allocate 1.2% to Fenix Charity Fund, use the following link:
Fenix code: 306556124

Donation by Bank Transfer

Payment details:

Beneficiary: Labdaros ir paramos fondas Fenix Charity
Reg. No.: 306556124
Legal address: Žalgirio g. 92-216, LT-09303, Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank: Walletto UAB
Account number: LT69 3090 0541 0000 0060
Payment purpose: Please write ‘fund’ if you wish to donate to our general fund, or specify the name of the project you would like to support.



Cryptocurrency Donation

If you wish to donate with cryptocurrency, please send an email to

Thank you for considering this opportunity and for being a part of our compassionate community. Every contribution, no matter how small, has the power to create lasting change.